
All H2 Direct Plans are Pay-Per-Send. We only charge per email sent. Our monthly cost is for server data storage.

Our Basic Plan

Our basic includes the following:

  1. Unlimited Subscribers
  2. Unlimited Sends
  3. 10GB of Data Storage
  4. Basic Analytics
  5. Basic Support

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  • Item B
  • Item C
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$ 99.00 USD
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Frequently Ask Questions

What is H2 Direct and how can it help my business?

H2 Direct presents itself as an Email Marketing Software application, providing top-notch marketing solutions with transparent pricing. Tailored to businesses of various sizes and industries, H2 Direct offers numerous benefits, particularly for those seeking to expedite business growth cost-effectively.

What features does H2 Direct offer?

H2 Direct functions as a comprehensive email marketing platform, handling server operations, deliverability management, IP addresses, and more. Our goal is to optimize your company's exposure by overseeing essential aspects of the email marketing process.

Is H2 Direct suitable for businesses of all sizes?

H2 Direct caters to businesses of all sizes with a pricing strategy designed to be the most advantageous for any growing enterprise. There are no subscriber limits, no send limits—no limits whatsoever! With our Pay-Per-Campaign pricing, you only pay for the campaigns you launch. Absolutely nothing more!

How can I integrate H2 Direct with my existing tools and systems?

Certainly! H2 Direct is now seamlessly integrated with Zapier, enabling you to effortlessly link your account to virtually any other website.

Can I try H2Direct before committing to a subscription?

Absolutely no commitment! H2 Direct operates on a Pay-Per-Campaign model, ensuring there are no monthly subscriptions or obligations on your part.

How does H2 Direct handle data security and compliance?

H2 Direct securely stores all its data on a protected cloud server, utilizing the highest encryption standards for utmost security. Rest assured, your data is in safe hands! Additionally, our dedicated compliance team works diligently to ensure the timely and efficient delivery of all emails.

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